Wednesday, February 28, 2018

SPHERE-Decentralized Sosial Network with Privacy Proection

Your online activity and your social media presence contribute to billion dollar industries. Don't you think you should be entitled to better privacy protection? Don't you think you should be entitled to a portion of the riches made off of your data? We do! And we believe it's finally time to stand up to these companies and take back the internet!

Sphere was built on the idea that privacy, company transparency, and data security should be the fundamental building blocks of every social platform. So we believe that the millions those corporations are making off of your data doesn't belong to them, it belongs to you.

Sphere is a decentralized social network, separate from those corporations, that allows exactly that. You have a say, you get compensated, and above all you take back the power with every connection and every interaction.

These large tech companies have created an image as friendly and gentle corporations simply wishing to provide a valuable service to people for no other reason  than altruism. However, every new day a new advancement takes place, a new device, a new feature.

How could that be possible for companies that don�t charge a dime to use their services? It�s simple: those companies are leveraging your data as a bargaining chip and selling it off to the highest bidder to fund their operations. And with every click of your mouse you continue to put more and more money into their pockets.


Social Transactions

These Social Activity Tokens are used throughout the system to facilitate transactions within the decentralized social network.

ERC20 Compliance

Tokens must be maintained in an ERC20 compliant Ethereum wallet to take advantage of the rewards.


Example wallets include MyEtherWallet, Mist, and Parity. SAT will be tradable on several exchanges.

  • Have a strategic plan that puts our users and token holders first.
  • Have a segregated cloud server environment that is safeguarded using cutting edge security systems.
  • Offer a superior user experience and superior customer support for the users in our ecosystem. Our team designs the system for scalability.
  • Offer anonymous transactions globally. Because we do not transact with banking institutions, we do not require ID verification. Everything is done using digital currency.
  • Have an experienced and capable team that can manage complex technologies and business challenges.

SAT Crowdsale
  • Name of token: Social Activity Token
  • Symbol: SAT
  • Token Standard: ERC20 Standard
  • Decimals: 8
  • Role of Token: Utility Token. Use for purchase goods and services on social media platform
  • Total supply: 1,000,000,000 SAT
  • Available token for sale: 650,000,000 (65% of supply)
  • Emission: All unsold and unallocated tokens will be destroyed, and additional release of  tokens will not be possible
  • Period of Sale: 12 February 2018 UTC 21:00 to 9 April 2018 UTC 21:00
  • Cost of 1 SAT: $0.14
  • Softcap/Minimum Goal: $1.5 million � softcap goal reached
  • Hardcap/Maximum Goal: $40 million
  • Accepted currencies: Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Fiat

That�s all information i can explain for you, if you need more information visit this link :

SAVEDROID the Future Investment and Banking with AI Technology

More and more people are starting to hear about cryptocurrencies and want to get involved however there are a few issues. You can�t just go to the bank and buy some Bitcoin, nor can you just buy on an exchange without the many different hurdles involved.

First you need to join an exchange, then get your account verified before depositing. Next is KYC, then you get to buy the crypto, once you have bought your crypto next is sending to a wallet which is another mission itself sometimes. This puts off a lot of people as sometimes the entire process can take weeks and in that time the price could have gone up or even down.

When I first started in Crypto I spent weeks watching videos on Youtube trying to understand how it all worked and how to buy Butcoin. I remember thinking there must be an easier way than this. Enter Savedroid, an automatic automated app for saving money and investing it into cryptocurrencies.

Users profit from easy access to smart Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, etc. savings plans, and superior crypto investment opportunities, such as portfolios, futures, and ICOs. Without any technological adoption barriers. This is Huge! Savedroid leverages its existing core assets of self-learning AI technology and great User Experience. Based on maximum simplification and emotional gamification, to deliver this exceptional value proposition. It is a great concept with an existing business, the App currently has over 200,000 downloads and 10 million saving transactions to date.

Savedroid ICO

 Token Sale:

Token � SVD � Platform � Ethereum
Type � ERC20
Price in ICO � 1 EUR = 100 SVD = 0.01 a token
Tokens for sale � 6,000,000,000
Distributed in ICO � 55% of all tokens available
Accepting � EUR, USD, BTC, ETH

The team is absolutely huge. Headed up by the founders Marco, Tobias and Dr Yassin Hankir collectively there is 90+ Years experience in Fin Tech, AI & marketing. Departments include Smart Contract Developers, Marketing Officers, Mobile Developers, Data Scientists, Business Development, HR, Marketing, Customer service and much more.

I think that�s all i can tell you, for more information visit this link :

Transcodim the Future Decentralized Media File Transcoding and Editting


Since the emergence of cloud technology, the transcoding industry has grown on a very large scale. We are famous for companies like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Vimeo, Youtube, and e.t.c, which transcribe terabytes of data every day, investing a large amount of their revenue on media file conversions. The current report also predicts that, by 2019, the transcoding market will grow by 15 percent CAGR globally, reflecting the enormous scope to grow.

The concept of transcoding has always been limited to the conversion of video and audio files, however, it has the larger extent to take any type of file like PDF, HTML, Word Document and converts it into any possible preferred format.
Transcodium will provide APIs, Console and GUI Applications for customers to aid in a rapid transcoding process. Before processing starts for each transcoding request, the initiator (customer) will be provided with the estimated cost for approval, once approved, the initiator's wallet will be debited for the processing to commence.

Transcodium is a decentralized media file transcoding and editing platform. The token use case allows those with idle devices to rent out computing power (in exchange for tokens) and those who have need to rent that power will pay in tokens. A single transcoding request will be processed by multiple nodes and workers, so the outage of one node or worker will have no effect on the process, making it more efficient and time-saving. Transcoding will not be limited to audio and videos only, but also other file formats such as images and documents.

The workers (rented out idle computing power) would receive small chunks of a file, which is broken down by Transcodium algorithms, and convert the file into other more compatible formats. Idle workers with more computing power and better internet connections would gain a master node status for doing more work. Before work would commence an estimate cost will be provided to potential customers. I like the idea of estimates so that customers wont be surprised by the cost.

Initiators have the free will to select from a price range of $0.006 to $0.01 per minute for an SD quality video output and $0.008 to $0.020 per minute for an HD video quality output. Non-video files such as audio will have the price range of $0.006 to $0.001 per minute of output. Files such as images and documents (PDF, word and etc) cannot be measured in time (minute), so they will be measured according to their size in megabyte. A megabyte of a file will have the price range of $0.006 to $0.01 per output unit. To enable fairness on the network, the highest paid task will be assigned to the best performing workers to help provide the initiator value for the money paid

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