Wednesday, March 7, 2018


SAVEDROID is a platform that democratizes crypto currency by creating a unique Artificial Intelligence (AI) fueled ecosystem of crypto saving and investing in masses.

Savedroid's AI enables users to automatically save up for their wishes without thinking about saving. Since the launch of our mobile apps in 2016, we have built a strong track record in state of the art user experience based on simplification and gamification. savedroid is organized as a stock corporation and has raised �3.5m+ in equity from renowned investors. We are part of Deutsche B�rse's FinTech Hub and Venture Network and collaborate with various prestigious B2B partners. In fact, savedroid is the first ICO of a German stock corporation that follows German legislation and regulation to provide participants with the highest level of security.

Savedroid democratizes cryptocurrencies: savedroid creates a unique AI-fueled ecosystem of crypto saving and investing for the masses. Users profit from easy access to smart Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Litecoin, IOTA, Dash, etc. savings plans, and superior crypto investment opportunities, such as portfolios, futures, and ICOs, without any technological adoption barriers. savedroid leverages its existing core assets of self-learning AI technology and great User Experience, based on maximum simplification and emotional gamification, to deliver this exceptional value proposition. We are the 1st German ICO driving crypto inclusion. Join us in making the crypto world accessible for the masses. Give power to the people!

Savedroid, the award-winning German FinTech specialized in artificial intelligence (�AI�) saving technology, has geared up to democratize cryptocurrencies: savedroid will create a unique AI fueled ecosystem of crypto saving and investing for the masses. Users will profit from easy access to AI-based crypto saving plans in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Litecoin, IOTA, Dash etc. and superior crypto investment opportunities, such as portfolios, derivatives, and ICOs, without any technological adoption barriers. savedroid eliminates today�s complex and painful processes by creating a smart User Experience (�UX�), which conveniently auto-converts savings to cryptocurrencies, securely stores them, and makes them easily accessible, tradeable, and spendable. Hence, savedroid is the first German ICO1 driving crypto inclusion.

Savedroid will leverage its existing core assets of state-of-the-art AI technology and great UX based on maximum simplification and emotional gamification to deliver this exceptional value proposition. In fact, savedroid is the very first ICO of a German stock corporation that follows German legislation and regulation to provide participants with the highest level of security.

Savedroid specialized in artificial intelligence (�AI�) saving technology, has geared up to democratize cryptocurrencies: savedroid will create a AI fueled ecosystem of crypto saving and investing for the masses. Users will profit from easy access to AI-based crypto saving plans in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Litecoin, IOTA, Dash etc.



Savedroid noticed that people not involved/invested in cryptocurrencies are often discouraged by the difficulty of simply utilizing this new technology. Too many technical terms such as private key, order structure on exchanges, wallets, and the securing of digital assets are simply too hard to understand for some people. That�s why the Savedroid platform offers a wide variety of services to help people with no knowledge and maybe no interest in even learning these things, but still, want to be involved/invest in cryptocurrencies. These services provided by the platform include:
  • Simple conversion of fiat money to Bitcoin, Ethereum or other cryptocurrencies.
  • Swapping existing savings from fiat money to cryptocurrency.
  • Private key handling by offering a secure wallet.
  • Making cryptocurrencies easily spendable by providing a digital credit card.
  • AI-based saving solutions tailored personally to the individual.

2015 : Savedroid founded.
2016 : Selection for Deutsche B�rse FinTech Hub, seed financing, Wirecard partnership, launch of Android and iOS mobile apps and AI algorithm, 50K+ app downloads.
2017 : Upgrade to self-learning AI algorithm, launch of spend optimization, growth financing, 200K+ app downloads, 10M+ savings transactions/
2018 : Self-learning AI algorithm enabling convenient cryptosaving in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Litecoin, IOTA, Dash etc., providing easy access without technological barriers.
2019 : Self-learning AI algorithm enabling smart saving and spending in and across cryptocurrencies, providing hassle-free crypto switching and payments.
2020 : Self-learning AI algorithm enabling smart investments in cryptocurrency portfolios, futures, and ICOs, providing cost-efficient and diversified returns.

If you find this project interesting and wish to learn more about it you can follow the links below to learn more about the project :


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