Thursday, March 1, 2018

SPHERE the Revolution Sosial Network with Blockchain Based

Our social network, your online activity, and even your online presence are a billion dollar industry curated by the very companies you trust to guard your privacy. Don�t you think you should be entitled to a portion of the riches made off of your data?

�We do! And we believe it�s finally time to stand up to these companies and take back the internet!�

These large tech companies have created an image as friendly and gentle corporations simply wishing to provide a valuable service to people for no other reason than altruism. However, every new day a new advancement takes place, a new device, a new feature. How could that be possible for companies that don�t charge a dime to use their services?It�s simple: those companies are leveraging your data as a bargaining chip and selling it off to the highest bidder to fund their operations. And with every click of your mouse you continue to put more and more money into their pockets.

�Why should they profit off of something that was never theirs to begin with?�
�The truth is they shouldn�t. Sphere has the answer!�

Sphere was built on the idea that privacy, company transparency, and data security should be the fundamental building blocks of every social platform. So we believe that the millions those corporations are making off of your data doesn�t belong to them, it belongs to you.

�We want to help you take back the control and have a say about your data.�

So we�ve created a decentralized social network, separate from those corporations, that allows exactly that. You have a say, you get compensated, and above all you take back the power with every click and every social connection.

Sphere is a Decentralized Social Network platform that offers an integrated, decentralized market, complete with its own advertising platform. Unlike other social media juggernauts that sell your online privacy to the highest bidder. Sphere empowers its users to take back profits these companies make from selling your data. We introduce the Social Activity Token, SAT a cryptocurrency used to facilitate transactions within the Sphere Network. Users will enjoy the benefits of privacy and security. If companies want your data, they will have to compensate you.

Since its early inception, social media has quickly gone from a simple novelty used only to keep friends updated and included on our daily lives to becoming a grow�ing source of entertainment, news, and community. And as nearly three billion people now utilize social media in some shape or form, its impact on life cannot be denied. From those nearly billion active users, volumes upon volumes of data are generated, saved, and often sold to the highest bidder. Essentially selling people�s personalities, secrets, and lives to corporations that utilize that information to create targeted ad campaigns. And this happens every moment of every day.

Gone is the large collection of centralized servers that are vulnerable to hacking, storing troves of sensitive data to be used as companies see fit. In their place, a more transparent, honest, and open blockchain format that allows every user to hold Sphere accountable for data. Sphere is built upon the main prin�ciples of privacy and security as an undeniable right, giving each user unprecedented protection and se�curity and allowing you to connect with everyone you know safely, and most importantly, securely.

Sphere is so much more than another simple addition into the growing line of social media networks available. It is the beginning of a digital revolution. Aptly named Social Activity Tokens, or SATs for short: this brand new form of cryp�tocurrency can be used for a wide variety of uses and can even be utilized to fund grass roots campaigns and movements, allowing them to reach more people and larger audiences. To celebrate the launch and welcome the coming digital revolu�tion, Sphere is holding an open offering to all those ready to join something spe�cial and different. This special occasion, only available now, will set the precedent for the entire value of the SATs. And once it�s over, no more SAT tokens will ever be produced.

SAT is a digital currency designed to be used within Sphere � a new, private, and secure social media platform that offers an integrated, decentralized market, com�plete with its own advertising platform. WHAT CAN I DO WITH SAT? 

       In-system tokens to be used by consumers

In addition to the benefits laid out in this paper, Sphere is introducing an innovative incentive program for consumers using tokens. These Social Activity Tokens are used throughout the system in order to facilitate transactions within the social network. 

Put the power back into your hands

SAT tokens are crafted in such a way that the entire process is secure yet transparent. This process leads to a greater sense of trust within the system.
Sphere has plans for creating a fully functional advertising portal. The advertising portal will allow users to create ad pieces that will be displayed in the Sphere news feed.  Advertising space will be paid for using SAT tokens. There will be per-click and per-impression options, with costs deducted automatically from the advertisers� web wallets.

Using Sphere�s innovative decentralized social network allows businesses to tar�get consumers directly, and both sides stand to gain. On the consumers� side, we see an increase in privacy as their browsing habits are no longer sold to the high�est bidder. Companies benefit from knowing that their marketing campaigns reach their desired audience more effectively, cutting down on marketing costs.

  • We have a strategic plan that puts our users and token holders first.
  • We have a segregated cloud server environment that is safeguarded using cutting edge security systems.
  • We will offer a superior user experience and superior customer support for the users in our ecosystem. Our team designs the system for scalability.
  • We offer anonymous transactions globally. Because we do not transact with banking institutions, we do not require ID verification. Everything is done us�ing digital currency.
  • We have an experienced and capable team that can manage complex tech�nologies and business challenges.
  • Name of token: Social Activity Token
  • Symbol: SAT
  • Token Standard: ERC20 Standard
  • Decimals: 8
  • Role of Token: Utility Token. Use for purchase goods and services on social media platform
  • Total supply: 1,000,000,000 SAT
  • Available token for sale: 650,000,000 (65% of supply)
  • Emission: All unsold and unallocated tokens will be destroyed, and additional release of  tokens will not be possible
  • Period of Sale: 12 February 2018 UTC 21:00 to 9 April 2018 UTC 21:00
  • Cost of 1 SAT: $0.14
  • Softcap/Minimum Goal: $1.5 million � softcap goal reached
  • Hardcap/Maximum Goal: $40 million
  • Accepted currencies: Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Fiat
A total of 65% of available tokens will be made accessible to buyers through the ICO. We�ve reserved 1% of all tokens for our team and advisory staff. Another 17% will be re�served for the social network development. 9% will be reserved for the company.

The budget outlined below presumes a scenario where our minimum cap of $1.5 mil�lion has been reached. Additional funds raised after the minimum cap will be used to add additional features to the application, API development, research, marketing and overall growth of the platform. Funds raised from the ICO will be distributed as follows:

It�s all information i can give to you visit this link for more information:

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